Culture of Safety

Our team focus and strong ethos
We pursue delivering skills relevant to students and useful beyond the outdoors, in their lives as maturing students and beyond. We do this while operating  a “Culture of Safety”, under which we are constantly updating our safety and risk management regime. We have built a strong team of professionals with complementary skill sets. Typically they are older and experienced, with strong facilitation soft skills, as well as a range of outdoor hard skills and have strong educational and role model abilities.

A-Team has successfully completed an external audit of our organizational safety and risk management processes, using a leading New Zealand Register of Outdoor Safety Auditors accredited auditor. As part of this, we are continually reviewing standards and extending control measures and tracking. For staff screening, we review and update our procedures (that operate alongside our use of considered judgment and common sense) to ensure they are robust and are, where practicable, supported by a clear record that is auditable.

We are methodical about our procedures and indeed other aspects of risk as we enhance our risk management.  If it would be useful, we would be happy to meet with you and can give a short presentation that shows our client schools the key areas we focus on, so as to show we are an appropriate and suitable programme provider. The need for schools to perform due diligence and quality control with respect to their programme providers is something we welcome and are happy to help facilitate.